UMH Auxiliary June 2019 Meeting Summary

The Uvalde Memorial Hospital Auxiliary met for their monthly meeting on Monday, June 3. President Eddie McKinney called the meeting to order and Shirley Grigg led the group in prayer. Janet Hynes then shared the thought for the day, “watch your step, even when you’re not going anywhere.”

Denise McWilliams, RN, UMH infection control director, attended the meeting to gather the annual Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire from Auxiliary Members.

Barbara Hogan read the minutes from April’s meeting and May’s luncheon. Barbara Blair gave the treasurer’s report. Shirley Grigg shared the gift shop report. Barbara Hogan reported that the Auxiliary has a total of 42 active members for the membership update. Hogan and McKinney added that they are in need of more gift shop volunteers. Sherley Wentz, chairman of the scholarship committee, discussed scholarship potential applicants. Ann Reagan shared the families and individuals that were sent correspondence cards in the past month.

Sammi Vonderschmidt, marketing coordinator, shared public relations and events updates with the group. Vonderschmidt communicated with the members the new hospital building groundbreaking event, taking place on August 1stat 9am.

The Uvalde Memorial Hospital Auxiliary’s next meeting will be held on Monday, July 1stat 10:00am in the Wrather Holmgreen Conference Room. For more information on becoming a member of the Auxiliary, please contact Charla Carter, volunteer services director, at (830) 278- 6251 extension 1435.